Signals and Slot Design Pattern
Signals and Slot Design Pattern Introduction
Signals and Slot Design Pattern Introduction
Article about Qt Container and STL containers
Sw Architecture Design
Article about Secured Embedded C
Article about C++ Pointer main features
Description of how to illustrate UML Component Diagrams
SW Component Coupling
SW Component Cohesion
SOLID Open Close Principle
Dependency Inversion Principle SOLID
LSP design
SRP Design
Embedded Interrupts,Scheduler and Tasks
Nvm for Embedded Software
Memory types definition for embedded software.
Use of enums for loops with MISRA rules
Autosar Ethernet
Autosar Multicore
Autosar Crypto
Autosar BSW
Autosar Memory Stack
Autosar RTE
Autosar Services
Functional Safety modules in Autosar Architecture
Autosar Communication stack
Description of a application using Qt command classes
E2E Autosar
Overall summary of the concepts of Autosar
Overall summary of the cencepts of cyber security on Autosar
Examples to comply with MISRA C 2012 regarding inappropriate enum cast
LIN communication
Article about C++ Overview with framework Qt.
Article about C++ Object Oriented handling main features
Article about C++ Pointer main features
An introduction Python
An introduction cpp qt enviroment